

After a seven-day walk with his companions, young Elder arrives in the big city seeking to be reinstated in his work at the mine. The city is overwhelming, and Elder begins to feel sick. But quickly the drinks make him forget his pain and, together with his friends, he decides to stay and take a chance. Thanks to the old woman Mama Pancha, they get a job in the market. But Elder starts to get worse, choking and struggling for breath. His friends chip in to help him, but the doctor says there is no cure. Mama Pancha, very worried about the dying Elder, connects him to Max—a witch doctor, hermit, and clown—who will try to bring the young man back to life.伟大的仪式什么时候上映?伟大的仪式好看吗?网友精彩评论:集体无意识下的魔幻入侵,疫病是一种濒死的影像,在反复的缓慢推进和退出之间,完成对土地与土地之上人的爱抚。舍间有声响。(环太平洋乱入(好大一只小麦瓜。



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